What is a Chakra?
You cannot see Chakras in the same way you can see a bone or blood but it’s important to know that they are there and they are relevant. The Chakra system moves and balances the energy in and around your body through powerful nerve centres and the endocrine system.
Chakra is a sanskrit word meaning “wheel” or “disc”. One of the earliest written records of the chakra system comes from an ancient Indian text called the Vedas. Originating sometime between 1500 – 500BC. Chakras were recognised by many ancient civilisation including Egyptians, Tibethan, Buddhist and African healing traditions.
How do Chakras Work?
There are more than 114 Chakras in the human energy field (7 main, 21 minor and 86 micro chakras). Each chakra holds a specific energetic vibration and is associated with physical, mental, emotional and psychological aspects of health. There is a complex network of energy channels running through the body that connect the chakra energy system. These networks, or energy highways are called Nadis.
The Chakra energy flows in 2 direction, spinning clockwise moving energy out of the body and in a anti-clockwise rotation pulling energy in from the environment and people around you.
Chakras work together like a finely tuned system. When one is blocked or restricted the others work harder and overcompensate to try and balance the energy flow. This throws the entire system out of balance and harmony.
In a perfect balanced system the chakras work in unison to create powerful life-force energy. Each chakra is of unique importance and has it’s own function in the system for the well-being of the whole person. When the chakras are open and aligned there is complete energetic harmony and flow of the body, mind and spirit.
What are the 7 Main Chakras?
The first 5 physical Chakras are associated with the physical elements of earth, water, fire, air and ether or space. The last 2 connect us to the universe and all that is beyond.
- Base Chakra (Muladhara) – Colour: Red, Element: Earth. Located at the base of the spine and is connected to safety, security, family and home.
- Sacral Chakra (Svadhishthana) – Colour: Orange, Element: Water. Located in the lower abdomen and is connected to trust in life, creation, produce and reproduce.
- Solar Plexus (Manipura) – Colour: Yellow, Element: Fire. Located in the mid-line between the end of the sternum and navel. It is connected to willpower, personal power, intentions and decision making.
- Heart (Anahata) – Colour: Green, Element: Air. Located in the centre of the chest and is connected to love (giving and receiving), compassion, altruism and service.
- Throat (Vishuddha) – Colour: Blue, Element: Space/Akasha. Located at the base of the throat and is connected to personal communication on all levels, your voice, your right to speak up, expression, truth.
- Third Eye (Ajna) – Colour: Indigo/Deep Purple, Element: Space/Akasha. Located in the middle of the forehead and is connected to perception, inner vision, imagination, how you see things.
- Crown (Sahasrara) – Colour: Violet/ Crystal Clear, Element: Light. Located on the crown of your head and is connected to spiritual connection, mind connection, how you see and experience life. It acts as a physical bridge between our physical world and the spiritual one.
Balancing and Alignment of Chakras
Our Chakra system correspond to physical movement, astrology, colours, numbers, names, oils, crystals and scents. Working with a client to heal and align the chakra system is a very personalised therapy. We have quite a number of tools and techniques that can be used including reiki, meditations, affirmations, yoga poses, breathwork, crystal work, essential oils, energy clearing techniques, sounds and food. Using these techniques we aim to clear blockages and imbalances, allowing energy to flow freely and harmonistically.
Chakra balancing is the practice of bringing peace, flow and harmony to the body, mind and spirit. There are numerous benefits, including physical healing, increased emotional stability and improved mental acuity. By ensuring that each chakra is cleared, aligned and balanced, we can achieve optimal health and wellness.
Sessions are available in person or online. If you would like to work with Ann-Marie to align and balance your chakra system head to the contact me page on this website.
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