What is a Chakra?
Chakras (meaning disc or wheel in Sanskrit) are energy centres located in the physical body, an unlimited number of them that connect and flow energy in the four body system. When they are balanced they support optimal physical and mental health and wellbeing. There are 144 recognised minor chakras and the 7 classical “main” chakra energy centres that run along the physical spinal column.
Chakras are wheels of life force energy that rotate to create flow through the body and connect with major organs and concentrated nerve bundles. This energy flow creates balance and alignments for optimal health and wellbeing in the 4 body energetic system. Chakras can be open, closed, overactive or underactive. When chakras are blocked or working in a subpar manner you may experience physical, mental and emotional symptoms and you may also have difficulties connecting with your inner wisdom and innate guidance systems.
It is important to mention that energy blockages can manifest & be experienced differently for each individual. Some may have physical pain, discomfort & disease, while for others blocks can manifest as emotional or mental stress. The manifestation of the block also depends on the chakra that is not balanced, as they are all associated with different vibrations, emotions and organs.
Muladhara – The Root of Existence
The Root chakra, otherwise known a Muladhara is the first energy centre in the spine and is located at the base (1st three vertebrae) of the spinal column. It represents our right to be here on the planet and how we live in the physical world. It is the most closely connected to our earthly realm and is deeply aligned with our abundance consciousness. The Root is our foundational chakra and forms the platform on which all of our other major chakras exist.
It is fundamental to our ability to thrive in our lives. The root chakra represents all aspects of security, survival and ego consciousness. It is associated with our ability to receive and allow abundance. It is about strong connection to the earth and being grounded, sturdy and stable. When the root chakra is aligned we feel safe, peaceful and satisfied. We thrive and move easily & with abundance through the world.
If the chakra is out of balance we can experience anxiety, fear and have an inability to feel safe, constantly suspicious, vulnerable, have trouble making decisions and experience isolation & loneliness. Blockages can also lead to an individual becoming overly greedy and have hoarding tendencies of money and other material items, as a result of an urgent need for security and protection.
An overactive root can manifest as excessive aggression, impulsiveness or recklessness. While an underactive chakra may cause fatigue, low motivation and a general lack of vitality. Many will feel ungrounded, unbalanced, dizziness and feeling scattered.
The root chakra is associated with the physical body including the adrenal glands, colon, bladder, kidneys, skeleton & bones, muscles and aterial blood. Physical disharmony and disease can occur when this chakra is dysfunctional, it can sometimes manifest as panic attacks, loss of energy, anxiety, digestive disorders, insomnia and also painful physical conditions relating to the feet and legs as well as heath problems relating to the lower back and it’s associated organs.
The Elements of the Root Chakra
Each chakra can be distinguishable by individual elements, colour, sounds, vibrations, foods & plants, activites, smells, crystals and symbols. The root chakra element is the earth (as discussed above) and the colour is a rich, deep red. It is often represented as a lotus flower with 4 petals. The root chakra’s sound is the seed sound “LAM” which can be chanted several times to strengthen connection and alignment. The sound frequency of 396hz or singing bowls with the musical note “C” will have the same benefits.
This chakra is the most instinctual and our emotional survival centre. It is powerfully responsible for our sense of smell. Scents that can be used to bring balance to the root chakra are rich, earthy and deeply grounding oils such as cedarwood, sandalwood, patchouli and black pepper.
To keep this chakra in alignment you can consume plants and herbs including ginger, dandelion root, sage and root-based vegetables including carrots, potatoes, sweet potatoes, parsnips and garlic. Also, red food and foods with a natural, strong red pigment can help to recharge and balance the chakra including, strawberries, raspberries, pomegranates, tomatoes & cherry and red vegetables such as beetroots, red cabbage and bell peppers.
The benefits of crystals cannot be understated and those that will best benefit your root chakra are Red Jasper, Tigers Eye, Black Tourmaline, Onyx, Hematite, Smoky Quartz, Obsidian and many more. One thing that these crystals have in common are their ability to remove blockages, purify, shield or transform negative energy and provide a deep grounding connection to the earth.
One of the most powerful and beneficial activities that you can use to restore and strengthen your root chakra is grounding, earthing and connecting to the electromagnetic energy of the earth. This is as simple as it sounds and involves walking barefoot on grass, sand or soil to allow for direct contact and connection. Grounding and connecting with nature regularly will improve sleep, reduce pain and anxiety, shift the autonomic nervous system from sympathetic to parasympathetic activation, reduce inflammation and improve blood flow and so much more. Increasing the feelings of wellbeing, safety and connection.
Some powerful, positive affirmations for grounding the Root Chakra are:
- I have a right to be here on earth
- I recognise that I have chosen to be here at this time
- It is safe for me to be here
- I am protected in this world
- I am rooted in the present moment
- I feel safe in my body
- I am open to all of life’s experiences
- The universe will always provide for me
- I am deeply grounded and whole
- I am supported, guided and protected
- I trust that the universe always has my back
The Benefits of a Healthy Root Chakra
The root chakra is integral to our ease, peace and contentment in our lives. It plays a crucial role in how we perceive security and safety in the physical world. By implementing practices that promote alignment and stability we can harness the energy of the root chakra and experience harmony, vitality and health in all aspects of our daily lives. A healthy and balanced root chakra creates a strong sense of our connection to the world. It promotes good physical health, emotional stability and creates resilience.
If you would like to learn more about creating balancing & healing in your chakras contact Ann-Marie https://myinnatevitality.ie/contact-me/ to book an intuitive energy session.
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