Svadhisthana – Place of Sweetness
Svadhisthana is the name given to your second energy centre in the body. The Sacral Chakra, as it is more commonly known is located directly above the Root chakra in the lower abdomen. At the core, the Sacral is intrinsically linked to the expression of desire, creativity, sexuality, emotional wellbeing and everything related to joy in your life.
The essence of the Sacral is the emotion “I feel” and it is the gatekeeper for our physical health and emotional wellbeing. It is located at the lumbar vertebrae, level with the sacrum and is associated with the physiology of the reproductive organs, small intestines, kidneys, bladder, uterus and prostate. It is also linked to the adrenal glands which play an important role in the regulation of blood pressure, the immune system and metabolism.
This chakra is effectively the master generator for our essence. When balanced we experience healthy, happy and harmonious relationships within ourselves, others and the world around us. We can easily access our creativity, intuition and emotional intelligence and an increased ability to manifest desires and goals. Physical stamina, fertility and sexual pleasure are also signs that our sacral chakra is balanced. It allows us to express our emotions freely, have loving relationships and enjoy life.
When the Sacral Loses Balance
There are several emotions that can cause the sacral to become excessive or deficient in its balanced flow of energy. The main ones are fear, shame, humiliation and jealousy. Also traumatic experiences including abuse and neglect can disrupt the flow of energy leading to the sacral chakra blockages.
A person who has imbalances can exhibit behaviours such as depression, detachment, over indulgence, being over sensitive, difficulties in expressing healthy emotions, being fearful, lack of motivation and have poor boundaries. Physical symptoms can manifest including reproductive issues, low libido, abdominal pain, anemia, joint problems, spleen and kidney issues, low energy and premenstrual syndrome.
The Elements of the Sacral Chakra
Each chakra can be distinguishable by individual elements, colour, sounds, vibrations, foods & plants, activites, smells, crystals and symbols.
- Water is the sacral chakra element, it is associated with flow and flexibility. It represents the ability to let go, accept change and transformation of life. Because of it’s connection to this element it is essential to remain hydrated by drinking water & clear fluids.
- This chakra is governed by Pavarti, the Hindu goddess of fidelity, fertility and power.
- The traditional colour representing the sacral is blazing orange and denotes elevated consciousness. Orange represents sacred, purity, friendship and activity.
- “VAM” (pronounced as Vahm) is the seed sound of the Sacral Chakra, and chanting this will send an invitation to clear away blockages and express it’s strengths of creativity and sensuality. The sound frequency of 606hz can also be used for healing and clearing.
- The Sacral chakra is powerfully associated with our sense of taste. Tastes that can be used to bring balance are naturally sweet, including citrus fruits, coconuts, mangoes, papaya, passionfruit, honey, carrots & peppers. Also spices including cinnamon, vanilla, cocoa and sweet paprika.
- Scent can be used to restore alignment and balance including sweet orange, ylang-ylang, neroli and gardenia.
- The benefits of crystals cannot be understated and those that will best benefit your Sacral Chakra are tigers eye, amber, citrine, carnelian and orange calcite. Placing these crystals lightly on your body in the area below your belly button will bring a warm glow and healthy flow to your chakra.
Bringing Balance Back to the Sacral
Pursuing creative activities such as drawing, painting, baking and gardening, are some of the best ways to engage and align this energy centre. Tapping into your natural artistic tendencies, even when you are feeling uninspired can restore balance and flow. Journaling, practicing mindfulness and meditation can improve your mood, help you connect to your emotions and activate your creativity.
Singing, dancing, gentle somatic movements and hip-opening yoga poses will also breathe energy, space, flow and support into the area to release any stagnant energy. Taking a swim or even a warm bath with an orange essential oil can also help revive an underperforming sacral chakra.
Some powerful, positive affirmations for creating flow and freedom in the Sacral Chakra are:
- I allow myself to feel
- I am free to experience pleasure and joy in all aspects of my life
- My creativity flows freely and effortlessly
- I am confident in my personal power
- I am worthy of healthy and fulfilled relationships
- I allow myself to by joyful and have fun
- I embrace my sensuality
- I enjoy my sensuality
- My relationships are based on respect, trust and healthy boundaries
- I deserve love and connection
- I am safe to express intimacy and passion
- I am passionate about all aspects of my life
- I enjoy intimacy and passion
- My emotions are balanced and in harmony
- My sexual energy is a source of power and health
- I experience pleasure in all areas of my life
- I attract healthy and nurturing relationships
- I honour and respect my body and it’s desires
- I am worthy of love, pleasure and joy
The Benefits of a Healthy Sacral Chakra
When this chakra is balanced it benefits our lives in many ways, our relationships are better, we find harmony in our world and we experience pleasure, contentment and joy in all aspects of our lives. We cultivate nurturing, healthy experiences, have clear insight into our emotions and discover our authentic creativity.
Balance allows us to enjoy a healthy libido, strong & intimate connections. We welcome and encourage the sweetness of life, pleasure, positive emotions, success and inner harmony. Knowing the significance of this chakra will allow you to access greater personal wellness and healing.
If you would like to learn more about creating balancing & healing in your chakras contact Ann-Marie to book an intuitive energy session.
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